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Bongs are waterpipes that are used to smoke cannabis. They have been around for a while and the popularity for bongs has been growing quickly amongst smokers. They come all sorts, of shapes, sizes, colors, and designs. Our high-quality bongs have the most affordable prices, along with the best high-quality. We always have unique new additions




Pipes are hand held devices mainly made to smoke tobacco or legal dry herbs. They mainly comprise of a chamber known as the bowl used to fill it up with your legal product which is connected to a thin hollow stem called shank, ending with a mouth piece or bit. Pipe smoking is the oldest known traditional form of smoking tobacco or legal product.

One Hitters

One Hitter as the name suggests is mainly designed for a single inhalation or one hit. A one hitter is a small pipe with a narrow bowl that holds 25 milligrams of cannabis. One Hitters are usually used by smokers who prefer a quick, small hit of their favorite flower. One Hitters help in controlling cannabis dosage, conserve your stash and help in keeping things simple, discreet and clean. One Hitters are also known as Bats and Chillum.

One Hitter



Dugouts are tough boxes to keep your one hitter and your Product secure at all times. They are 3 to 4 inches in size, made out of various materials, designs and patterns. The top of the dugout either twists or slides off, having two compartments. One side has a small circular hole with a spring in the bottom to hold your one hitter and the other side is for you to store your product. The dugout usually comes with a one hitter, however, you can always choose to have it changed to your liking. Dugouts help you to smoke on the go without carrying your water pipe every time with you. Dugouts are compact enough to fit in your pocket or purse which makes smoking easier on the go outside your home.


Bowls are one of the most important part of every waterpipe. Bowls sit within the joint of your waterpipe and serve the purpose of holding the tobacco or loose leaf herb. They come in a variety of sizes (10mm, 14mm & 19mm) and are categorized either as male or female. Ensure that you know of the joint size and gender of your water pipe or else you would end up with a new bowl that is not compatible with your bong. We are wholesalers, stocking a variety of shapes, sizes and colors of bowls.
